Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one
of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.
Matthew 25:40
We support the following causes in our community and around the world
because they make a difference in the lives of others!

Light of Hope CARE Fund
C.A.R.E. = Compassionate Angels Restoring Esteem
Our Care and Compassion Team helps by providing direct support
to our church family members who are in crisis situations and need
a helping hand. These funds are generously provided by our church members through special collections at luncheon gatherings and during communion.


Each month volunteers at Sweetwater Mission assist more than 1,500 families with food, clothing, family support services and educational programs. They are committed to making life better for our neighbors whose lives are effected by poverty.
Walk-in services are available to neighbors who are at or below the federal poverty level. Sweetwater Mission is open Monday - Saturday from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm.
You can learn more by going to www.sweetwatermission.org

MUST Ministries has been serving our neighbors in need for more than 40 years. Now hosting five different locations and several programs in six counties, MUST provides a long list of services to area residents who are struggling. Those services include groceries, hot meals, emergency shelter, supportive housing, clothing, access to medical care, education and employment services, summer lunch and more.
You can learn more by going to www.mustministries.org
Free Food Distribution
The 3rd Thursday of every month, we have drive-thru distribution of free food boxes from Sweetwater Mission. All are eligible to drive by. No income eligibility is required.
Other Missions:
Presbyterian Homes of Georgia
"Undies Sunday" Drive for MUST
MadHousers monetary support
(tiny homes for the homeless)
Coat Drive every winter for MUST
Thanksgiving & Christmas Meals for members in-need
Thornwell Home for Children
Blessing Bags for the Homeless
World Outreach:
Presbyterian Disaster Agency
Heifer International
Presbyterian Mission Giving
Imani Rehabilitation Center, Nairobi, Kenya
Smile Train